Arts, Crafts And Activity Ideas

Excursions - Get out and see the world
Going on excursions and getting out into the world isn't as common in child care settings but there are many reasons why you should venture out and see the world.

Countdown to Christmas Advent-ure Calendar
For parents, the Christmas Countdown seems to roll around all too quickly but for children, the year is seemingly endless! Bring the countdown to Christmas back to a wholesome moment with the kids and give them the gift of time each day - even if it's for a moment, this December.

Children in the Kitchen
Sure, it can be messy but messy is fun! Educate children in your Early Childhood Education and Care setting by teaching through sensory play in the kitchen. We've collated three great recipes that children will love to get their hands into and can be recreated at home with the most basic ingredients.

10 Father’s Day Crafty Creations |
It’s almost Father’s Day! We’ve pulled together some simple craft gift ideas for Father’s Day which will warm the heart of the father or father figure in any little one’s life.

Wet and Wild Water Play Fun For Kids
Water play - simple ideas to encourage and learning and fun

Block play builds more than STEM skills
Scaffolding and extending children as they engage in block play in early education settings.

Engaging our littlest scientists: Aussie butterfly project
How educators can use the ANU’s Butterflies Australia to teach children about the magical world of caterpillars and butterflies.

4 frightfully fun Halloween STEM ideas
Four Halloween themed STEM activities to keep minds and bodies busy.

10 kids books to inspire future conservationists
10 beautiful, age-appropriate kids books that early educators can use to inspire and motivate a new generation of environmentalists.

Celebrate spring with a green wall
A couple of ideas to encourage tiny green thumbs to spend time in the garden day-after-day as they put these projects together and enjoy watching them grow.

Planning for outdoor play every day
Outdoor play shouldn’t stop in winter and this article offers educators the reasons why along with suggestions for planning and preparing for outdoor play in the cooler months to ensure children continue to benefit.

4 warming winter activity ideas
Four educational winter-themed activity ideas that will keep little hands and minds busy and warm over the cooler months ahead.

It's a small world: The importance of small world play
How educators can facilitate small world play in early learning settings and the educational benefits.

5 ways to celebrate NAIDOC week
Five engaging, fun and educational activities to share with the children in your service to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge and traditions.

5 eco crafts to celebrate world environment day
5 eco-friendly and age appropriate craft ideas to acknowledge and celebrate World Environment Day on Saturday 5 June and World Ocean Day on 8 June.

Mother's Day gift ideas
Five super fun, cost effective craft projects that work as lovely gifts for the hardworking parents in your early education service to celebrate Mother’s Day, this weekend Sunday 9 May.

5 cosy craft ideas for dreary days
5 interesting and educational craft ideas to try when the autumn weather makes it too wet to go outside for preschoolers at every age and stage.

Ideas to build STEM skills in preschoolers |
Early learning settings have an important role in setting strong foundations for children’s STEM education. Boost learning with STEM toys and activities.

10 egg-cellent Easter craft ideas
10 egg-cellent Easter themed craft ideas.

The power of puppet play
Learn how puppet play can be used in early education settings to engage and extend children during play-based learning experiences.

Plunging into the creative world of water play
Maximise the learning and developmental opportunities of water play while keeping children safe.

The scoop on safe and fun sandpit play
Learn how to maintain a safe and hygienic sandpit in your early learning service.

An award-winning book to share with the children in your service
Ideas for sharing the CBCA 2020 Early Childhood Book of the Year, My Friend Fred, with children to ensure maximum engagement and fun.

Wrap up Christmas with eco-friendly crafts
A range of cost effective and environmentally conscious holiday activity ideas, including gifts which the children can make.

World Nursery Rhyme Week
The benefits of simple repetitive songs and nursery rhymes for children in early education.

The magic of learning outdoors |
Thursday 5 November is Outdoor Classroom Day and this article offers a range of fun, cost effective and educational outdoor learning experiences to engage the children in your early education service.

Turn down the terror this Halloween
A host of non-scary and inclusive Halloween craft and activity ideas to ensure all children in early childhood settings can experience the fun of Halloween in a non-confronting fashion.

Goodbye glitter, hello new world of shiny eco-sparkles
Why banning glitter is so important and some alternatives for early education services.

Early Childhood Educators’ Day: A time to say ‘thank you’
Early Childhood Educators’ Day is tomorrow Wednesday 2 September. This article offers ideas for marking this special event with the educators, children and families in early childhood services.

Father’s Day: Creative, fun and inclusive celebrations
Craft and activity ideas for marking Father’s Day in early learning services along with strategies for supporting inclusivity for children who don’t live in hetero-normative family structures.

Sharks with sharp teeth - Craft
11 awesome shark themed craft ideas to try with the children in your early education service to celebrate the awe and majesty of these amazing apex predators.

Showcasing ‘everyday science’ in the early years |
The science of everyday life offers children a range of valuable learning opportunities and the Australian Council for Educational Research has published a range of free educator resources to support the development of science skills in the early years.

Books to boost LGBTQI Inclusion
10 age appropriate picture books celebrating a diverse range of families and children that will boost LGBTQI inclusion in your early childhood service.

Bluey themed craft ideas
Keep little hands busy with a host of Bluey themed craft ideas. Also a chance to win a book pack for your early childhood service by entering our colouring competition, thanks to our friends at Penguin Kids.

Winter wonderland: Celebrate the season with fun activities and crafts
The colder weather of winter is a great excuse to head indoors for some high-quality season-themed crafting. This article offers activity suggestions and craft ideas to keep little fingers busy.

Making magic on International Mud Day
Ideas for participating in International Mud Day, an international event for celebrating the sensory and educational benefits to be gained from playing with mud.

How scribbles tell a story of child development and discovery
Learn how scribble drawings feature in a child's developmental spectrum and how this stage contributes to stages which follow.

Learning about seasons with autumn colours
Educator tips for supporting children’s learning and experience of autumn and the seasons more generally including craft ideas.

8 excellent activities for Earth Day
8 fun, cost effective activity ideas to try with the children in your early childhood service to celebrate Earth Day.

Kindness is contagious: Create a caring culture
Six ideas to support children to develop and practice acts of kindness and compassion.

Learning about nature - The gift that never fades
8 small, simple cost effective ways that early childhood services can scaffold a child’s exposure to nature and environmental education as well as ideas to bring nature to your doorstep.

Embracing diversity in Harmony Week
A range of age appropriate activity suggestions for celebrating Harmony Week with children in early childhood settings.

Clean Up Australia Day inspires sustainability & fun
Clean Up Australia Day is Sunday 1 March, this week easy ideas for early childhood services who want to participate and ways to spread the sustainability message among children.

Fun ideas for boosting activity levels
How to build more movement into the daily routine of children in early learning services.

Introducing young scientists to colourful STEM
Blending children's love of colour with the magic of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics can engage young children in hands-on fun and learning with enormous benefits.

'Process art' ideas for Christmas
Process art is focused more on the process of creating art than the end product.

Non-scary halloween activities
Fun and non-scary Halloween ideas to support inclusion of all children and families.

Gardening activities for little green thumbs
Simple ideas for incorporating gardening opportunities in your program and the educational benefits for children.

Fun Father's Day craft ideas to make Dad proud
With Father's Day right around the corner it's a great opportunity to keep those little hands busy and build those fine motor skills.

It's National Science Week
It's National Science Week, Australia's annual opportunity to celebrate science and an excellent excuse to try out a range of interesting science-based activities.

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day
It's National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day, an opportunity for all Australians to show their support for Aboriginal children.

Why children love dinosaurs 7 roar-some activity ideas
Young children love dinosaurs and while Jurassic passions may seem like just another passing craze all children go through, there are some interesting explanations behind the infatuation.

Winter STEM ideas
Now that winter is officially here and children are spending more time indoors, there's never been a better time to try some fun new activities.

Fun Easter craft ideas - 2019
Themed art and craft activities are a great way to keep children busy; they support the development of fine motor skills and also offer plenty of teaching opportunities.

Harmony Day activities
Harmony Day, is an initiative celebrating the successful integration of migrants into our community and reinforcing the importance of inclusiveness to all Australians.

Valentine's Day craft ideas - 2019
Heartfelt art creations for Valentine's Day to create a sense of warmth and kindness around your place of service.

Christmas crafts - 2018
Christmas crafts are a fun and easy way to while away some hours in the middle of the day and this week we've curated a list of 10 ideas to try with the children in your service.

Halloween craft ideas
This spooky American celebration grows bigger each year, with increasing numbers of children and parents carving pumpkins, decorating their homes in cobwebs, dressing up and hitting the streets.

10 super fun STEM activities
Simple STEM activities are a fabulous opportunity to promote early interest in science and enquiry-based learning and it's never too young to start!

Father's Day craft ideas for preschoolers
Father's Day is on Sunday, 2 September, what better way to help the children celebrate and thank their dads then with a special homemade gift?

Children's Day 2018
Saturday 4 August is the 2018 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day, organised by the Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC).

Hands-on science for early childhood
Simple hands-on science projects to engage preschool children in STEM and nurture a lifelong interest in learning through exploration and experimentation.

Cool winter craft ideas
Eight simple winter themed craft ideas, which you can try at your service to encourage discussion around seasonality.

Gift ideas for Mother's Day
Adorable, home-made gift projects, which are perfect for Mother's Day.

8 up-cycled craft ideas for Earth Day 2018
8 up-cycled craft ideas to reduce the use of single-use plastic on Earth Day.

Easter craft ideas - 2018
Easter craft ideas, for every age and stage.

7 sensational sensory play ideas
According to at Goodstart Early Learning, sensory play is an activity that stimulates a young child’s senses: touch, smell, taste, movement, balance, sight and hearing.

To glitter or not to glitter? 5 great alternatives
With increasing understanding about the harmfulness of micro plastics, scientists from around the world are advocating for a ban on a range of single use plastic items, one of which is glitter.

Sweetheart Day / Valentines Day craft ideas
According to the HeartKids website, eight babies are born in Australia with a heart condition every day and each week four lives are lost due to congenital childhood heart disease.

10 cool Christmas craft ideas
10 cool Christmas craft ideas.

Halloween craft ideas
Halloween craft ideas.

10 Amazing books to encourage mindfulness
10 Amazing books to encourage mindfulness.

Taking dramatic play outside Ideas to get you started
Taking dramatic play outside Ideas to get you started.

7 nature play ideas for spring
7 nature play ideas for spring.

Father's Day gift ideas
Father's Day gift ideas.

Escape to everywhere CBCA book week 19-26 August 2017
Escape to everywhere CBCA book week 19-26 August 2017.

Prop boxes: Tools for extending and empowering dramatic play
Prop boxes: Tools for extending and empowering dramatic play.

Why we need to stop hijacking childrens' play under the guise of "interest based learning"
Why we need to stop hijacking childrens' play under the guise of "interest based learning".

Mega fun with marvellous minibeasts!
In Australia, small children are brought up to have a healthy respect for insects. Here are 10 insect craft ideas that are so much fun to make.

Mud, mud glorious mud
Mud, mud glorious mud.

Dinosaur craft ideas
Dinosaur craft ideas.

National Simultaneous Storytime
National Simultaneous Storytime.

Mother's Day craft ideas
Mother's Day craft ideas.

Easter craft ideas
Easter craft ideas.