Child Care News

DOCS to strip grandparents of payments for childcare
Sydney Morning Herald - Adele Horin - February 4, 2010

HUNDREDS of people who look after their grandchildren full-time risk losing a special payment worth between $400 and $600 per child a fortnight after the...

Children’s Services Recognition Program
Tasmanian Government Media Release - February 3, 2010

This program will provide a customised and supported journey, for unqualified Children’s Services staff, to achieve recognition of knowledge and skills gained in the workplace...

Sunkids and courtroom shadows
Sydney Morning Herald - Scott Rochfort - February 1, 2010

The liquidator of the financial engineer is expected to put the Sunkids childcare business officially up for sale. Bentleys Corporate Recovery is expected...

Balancing act
The Age - Annabel Stafford - January 31, 2010

Job plus kids plus house plus spouse - is the modern woman's dream of having it all really a nightmare? LAST year, researchers at the US National Bureau of Economic Research...

Day-care centres fail on hygiene and safety
Sydney Morning Herald - Kirsty Needham - January 29, 2010

ONE in five family day-care centres nationally fail hygiene and safety quality standards, a report has found. Child-care fees in the cities have...

Federal Government report shows state is failing our kids
Herald Sun - Stephen McMahon - January 29, 2010

MANY Victorian children are being left in filthy and dangerous conditions at day care, according to a Federal Government report. The 2010 Report...

We pay more, wait longer, get less
The Canberra Times - Markus Mannheim - January 29, 2010

The report reveals Canberra parents pay the highest child-care fees in Australia, even though ACT centres have the least-qualified workers...

Queensland police deliver more for less
Courier Mail - Stefanie Balogh - January 29, 2010

Queensland has the highest proportion of any state or territory of children aged up to 12 using government-approved childcare and its spending...

Day care fined following toddler death
Sydney Morning Herald - January 28, 2010

A northern NSW family day care association has been fined $26000 following the drowning of a 21-month-old boy. The toddler died in a retention pond...

Daycare kids twice as likely to pick up bugs
The Australian - Natasha Bita - January 27, 2010

CHILDREN in daycare are twice as likely to suffer chronic infections as kids cared for at home, a government-backed study of 10,000 children has found...

Health spending to rise 12-fold: Rudd
Sydney Morning Herald - January 25, 2010

... predicted health spending, which could be achieved by boosting workforce participation through measures like improved childcare and paid parental leave...

8.25am: meltdown time for modern mums
The Sunday Telegraph - Sharon Labi - January 24, 2010

A British study of 2000 mothers found stress levels peak at 8.25am as women juggle the drop-off with increasingly heavy traffic to get to work...

New laws - childcare fees rise
Daily Telegraph - Xanthe Kleinig - January 23, 2010

WORKING parents are facing a hefty rise in childcare fees of up to $200 a week because of a radical overhaul of childcare in NSW. Childcare centres are preparing...

Cash delay, merger push ELS shares to new heights
Gold Coast Bulletin News - Nick Nichols - January 23, 2010

THE rising price of Early Learning Services' shares has prompted the merger deal with Payce Childcare to be an all-scrip affair. When the merger was revealed last month...

Perth Council convicted of child creche escape
WA today - Chris Thomson - January 20, 2010

The City of Perth has been convicted of letting a two-year-old boy escape from a council-run childcare centre to swing on the boomgate of a busy Northbridge carpark...