Make your own Playdough

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Make your own Playdough

Playdough is the ultimate sensory activity that has stood the test of time. Make your own playdough for the kids to enjoy all holidays! When stored correctly, this playdough has the potential to last forever! Of course it won't though because we know that the more colours you make, the more colour combinations the kids discover - all part of the fun, really! 

You will need

  • Plain flour | 2c (plus 1tbs for dusting benches)
  • Cream of tartar | 4tbs
  • Salt | 1c
  • Cooking oil | 2tbs 
  • Water | 2c
  • Food colouring | Your choice of colours 
  • Saucepan and Wooden spoon


Dry ingredients

Put flour, cream of tartar and salt into the saucepan.
Mix well with wooden spoon until combined.




Wet ingredients

Add cooking oil and water to the mixed, dry ingredients and combine. 




Mix Well

Put over low heat and mix well. Your playdough should form a white dough and be a little sticky. 




Dust and knead

Dust bench with reserved flour and scrape sticky dough onto dusted bench. Once cool enough to touch, knead and add in your choice of colour.
If you would like multiple colours, separate playdough and add colours to each kneaded pile.



Play and store! 

Play with the kids and enjoy this *edible playdough. Once finished, wrap in plastic wrap or store in an airtight container. 




*Playdough is edible, but not tasty. It's not recommended to be eaten but will not harm children if consumed in small quantities.

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