Dieticians and Nutritionists

Mum Bub Nutrition

Empowering, inspiring and supporting you and bub on the starting solids journey

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Hi! I'm Abby and I am a paediatric nutritionist with a focus on starting solids, toddler nutrition and fussy eating.

I have a Master's Degree in Nutrition from Deakin University and a Graduate Certificate in Public Health from Griffith University. I am also an associate nutritionist with the Nutrition Society of Australia.

My mission is to provide trusted, clear and simple nutrition information without the confusion.

"The early years are the toughest years for parenting. There is often information overload and I want to help you as much as I can with this stage - because it can be SO hard if you don't have the right information or support."

When I was weaning my son Oliver, I found it difficult to navigate the information of how to wean as there were so many different websites with conflicting information - and that’s coming from a qualified nutritionist.

I wanted to create a site which you can turn to for ALL the information in the one place to start your journey from pregnancy and first food tastes through to childhood.

Starting Solids The Easiest Way

It's my greatest wish to help you as much as I can, whether you’re a first time parent or if you have done this before but are still unsure of a few things - what worked for your first bubba might not for your second. I know the information we seek around starting solids is often from our own parents which may sometimes may not be relevant or accurate anymore.

I know I’m not the only one out there who finds the weaning journey a tricky one to navigate. I’ll give you the confidence and support to make starting solids with your child as positive and exciting as possible.

It's my greatest wish to help you as much as I can, whether you’re a first time parent or if you have done this before but are still unsure of a few things - what worked for your first bubba might not for your second. I know the information we seek around starting solids is often from our own parents which may sometimes may not be relevant or accurate anymore.

The information on this website and blog is up-to-date information with the latest evidence on the what and how on providing a healthy diet and eating behaviours with your little one.

I know I’m not the only one out there who finds the weaning journey a tricky one to navigate. I’ll give you the confidence and support to make starting solids with your child as positive and exciting as possible.