Sleep Consultants

Slumber & Sprout

Meet Hayley and Katie, the mums behind Slumber & Sprout. With 5 little ones (yes, including twins!) between us, we've honed our expertise as certified paediatric sleep specialists for 6 years. We're passionate about making quality sleep support accessible to every family. We believe in unlocking the great little sleeper within every child, empowering parents and little ones alike to enjoy peaceful nights. That's why we're here – to share our tips and tools for better sleep.

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Our story

Guilt free methods
Complete programs
Unlimited Q&A support

Welcome to Slumber & Sprout, where dreams take root and families flourish! We're Hayley and Katie, proud owners of this small biz based in Perth, with a dedicated team of sleep consultants spanning across Australia and beyond.

Our passion? Sleep. Because we've seen firsthand how it transforms families. Restored energy, a return to feeling like themselves – it's a game changer. With quality sleep, parents can truly savour the precious moments of raising their little ones.

Navigating baby and toddler sleep can be challenging, but we've been there ourselves. With 5 little ones between us, including twins, we understand the journey. That's why we're all about empowering families with gentle, tailored sleep solutions – no crying it out, no rigid schedules, just personalised support for each unique child.

Specialising in sleep support for ages 0-5, complete programs for babies and toddlers, twin sleep, personalised 1:1 packages, and rapid Q&A support via our app within 48 hours or less, we're here to help you achieve the sleep you deserve, with confidence.

Because at Slumber & Sprout, we believe that more sleep equals bigger smiles.

Katie & Hayley xx

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Worldwide, WA

Learn from Slumber & Sprout all the things you need to navigate your Sleep Consultants journey

See blog

Sleep tips for starting day-care

Day-care sleep tips – because we understand the concern every parent faces. We've been there too!


FREE 4 month sleep regression course

Navigating baby sleep can be overwhelming especially when you are already so tired. That’s why we created this FREE simple course. Learn how to help your little one through the 4 month sleep regression and toward becoming a great sleeper using our gentle methods that work.