Coominya Before-Afterschool & Vacation Care

7 Cornhill Street, Coominya, QLD, 4311
Monday to Friday BSC 6.00am - 8.30am ASC 3.00pm - 6.00pm Mon - Friday VAC 6.00am - 6.00pm, VAC 6.00am - 6.00pm, VAC 6.00am - 6.00pm, ASC 3.00pm - 6.00pm, VAC 6.00am - 6.00pm
Licensed for 39 Children

Coominya Before-Afterschool & Vacation Care Centre overview

Welcome to Coominya Before-Afterschool & Vacation Care

We are a government subsidized Outside School Hours Care service catering for school children in Prep to Year 6. We also cater for High school children up to 15yrs who do not received government funding so give us a call if you need any further information.

Fees & Vacancies


Coominya Before-Afterschool & Vacation Care Service features

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Coominya Before-Afterschool & Vacation Care service include:

How Coominya Before-Afterschool & Vacation Care compares with Coominya, 4311
Coominya Before-Afterschool & Vacation Care
NQS Rating


7 Cornhill Street
Coominya, QLD, 4311
National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Meeting
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Meeting

Centre Reviews

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