The Old MacDonald's Child Care (OMCC) team consists of the Owner, Finance Manager, Operations Manager, Service Director, amazing team of educators (8-ECT, 12- Diploma, 10-Cert 3), a cook and a maintenance man.
At OMCC, the educators are focused on quality education and care to benefit the children's health, safety and wellbeing. Their best practice is to maintain, promote and implement high-quality standards of hygiene, infection control, monitoring risks, cleanliness, healthy eating, food safety and safety practices.
The educators are committed to establishing secure, respectful, and reciprocal relationships and interactions between educators and children. The educators are sensitive, attentive, responsive, nurturing, and affectionate to children's needs. Partnerships between families, children, educators, supportive professionals, and the broader community achieve high quality, positive outcomes that enhance children's wellbeing, experiences and learning.
As a service, we pride ourselves in placing the children at the forefront of our decision making. Through high practices every day, we meet and or exceed the National Quality Standards that reflect the National Law and Regulations. Our service policies and procedures communicate and outline our high expectations of all stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities in working together. By consistently implementing the NQS, the Law, Regulations, and our policies and procedures, we maintain the health and safety standards within the service.
Open, clear, and direct communication is imperative to the function of our service. Our team provides honest feedback to families about their child's experiences during the day. Information shared facilitates us to work in collaboration with families to support their individual needs and communicate what is happening within the service. Families receive a daily reflection that details the significant learning that occurred within their child's learning space, a daily eat/sleep chart outlining what their child was offered to eat and how long they slept or rested, and monthly learning assessments documented by the educators capturing significant learning from a child's perspective. Written forms of communication are distributed through an app that allows families to access the information at a convenient time.
OMCC maintains more qualified educators than required. Our team of skilled educators develop curriculums and environments that support each child to achieve their goals across the year. Educators make decisions based on current pedagogy, learning theories and their knowledge of all children to provide a routine that meets their needs. This includes indoor and outdoor play times, toileting and nappy changing, mealtimes and a variety of physically active and restful experiences.
Over the year, our service provides children with a variety of experiences that add opportunities for learning. From watching our annual sheep shearing to visiting with baby farm animals to engaging in educational visits from scientists, firefighters, police, and a dentist. Children and educators as co-learners learn about the world in which they live so they can become active and knowledgeable participants.
Being a part of OMCC's community is an opportunity to be a part of a big family that truly is invested in providing the best opportunities to children in our service.
Belynda James, Service Director, Old MacDonald’s Child Care
Babies and young children arrive in the early childhood setting already possessing vast experience, knowledge, and capacity to learn. At OMCC, we are surrounded by an environment that acknowledges this potential and provides educators with the resources to create opportunities where children can become comfortable and confident to engage in learning relationships with educators and peers. Through our play-based curriculum, educators can provide children with the opportunity to question, discover, pretend, invent, test, learn, make mistakes, and determine who they are.
Tracey Harris, Group Leader, Early Childhood Teacher
I love the aesthetics and friendly culture at OMCC. The opportunities for learning through play are endless with the purpose-built design and rural setting. In my role as Age Group Mentor, I thoroughly enjoy challenging educators thinking around child development and pedagogy whilst implementing learning through a play-based curriculum with the children.
Jae Crawford, Age Group Mentor, Early Childhood Teacher