Uniting Outside School Hours Care Currans Hill

Currans Hill Public School - 10 Tramway Drive, Currans Hill, NSW, 2567
Before school 6:30am to 9am | After school 3pm to 6:30pm | Vacation care 7am to 6pm
Licensed for 60 Children

Uniting Outside School Hours Care Currans Hill Centre overview

Welcome to Uniting Outside School Hours Care Currans Hill

We’ve been caring, sharing, and daring in our school community for years

On Dharawal land, we’re a not-for-profit service offering Currans Hill Public School families the extra support of supervision and stimulation before and after the school day, and throughout the holidays. Catering for children from Kindy to Year 6, our qualified and friendly team has worked here for many years and feels like family.

Conveniently run on school grounds, we have access to outdoor areas, and the school’s play equipment. Your children will have the opportunity to extend their friendships and their learning in a fun and familiar environment.

We care about nurturing each child’s unique personality, interests and abilities.

We share experiences to build social skills, thinking skills, and resilience.

We dare to be curious and creative, trying out new things and learning about ourselves along the way.

We prepare exciting activity programs in consultation with the children, so they’re guaranteed to enjoy our games, arts and crafts, sports and excursions.

We’re an approved centre for the Child Care Subsidy, and our door is always open to parents.

We look forward to welcoming your children soon.

Fees & Vacancies


Uniting Outside School Hours Care Currans Hill Service features

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Uniting Outside School Hours Care Currans Hill service include:

How Uniting Outside School Hours Care Currans Hill compares with Currans Hill, 2567
Uniting Outside School Hours Care Currans Hill
Currans Hill
NQS Rating


Currans Hill Public School - 10 Tramway Drive
Currans Hill, NSW, 2567
National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Meeting
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Meeting

Centre Reviews

This service currently doesn't have any Reviews.