Child Care News for Parents & Carers
July 8, 2020
Welcome, this week, what's happening with child care in Victoria in light of new lockdown measures. Learn about G8 Education's new online resource Community Cubby and a timely reminder about online safety for children under five years old.
Vic child care open during lock down
With the reintroduction of a six-week stage three lockdown in metropolitan Melbourne, and the Mitchell Shire, from midnight 7 July, following further outbreaks of COVID-19, the Minister for Education has confirmed early education and care services will remain open.

Dan Tehan also said that 'gap' fee waivers will be extended to families directly impacted by COVID-19.

"If a child is absent from care for COVID-related reasons, the child care service can waive their gap fee which means more money in the family’s pocket. It also provides certainty to families that they will retain enrolment at the child care service and will ensure child care services maintain their enrolments and continue to be paid the CCS, even if a child is absent for a COVID-related reason," he said.
Community Cubby: The new child care resource for families
It's commonly said that "It takes a village to raise a child", and although the 21st Century village is not like that of old, this sentiment still rings true.

Working parents rely on dedicated family members, professional child carers and supportive employers to help raise happy, healthy and engaged children. And although this year's global pandemic affected our usual education and care routines, it was heartening to see how the community banded together, even as social distancing drove us apart.

In the child care setting, families and educators connected digitally, adapted to a 'new normal' and worked hard to provide children with safe environments and enriching experiences.
Online safety for under fives
Being online is a big part of all our lives, and from an early age many children are busy exploring virtual environments and tapping into entertaining and educational online content. There are websites to visit, games to play and shows to stream, and all this action opens up a degree of risk.

There's the chance that your under five might wander into inappropriate content, be contacted by a stranger or share their personal information, but the good news is that you can take steps to avoid this happening, with some guidance from the government.
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