Child Care News for Parents & Carers
February 27, 2019
Welcome, this week a French study has revealed that children who attend formal care, such as a child care centre, develop better social skills than those who don't, and we look at the slow parenting movement which implores families to 'Slow Down!'
The benefits of formal care
Informal child-minders, like babysitters and grandparents have much to offer when it comes to caring for young children, but now a French study has suggested that tots who attend quality centre-based child care may develop better social skills and behaviour than those who don't.
Slow parenting and the move towards mindfulness
The British government first urged its citizens to 'keep calm and carry on' back in 1939 and 80 years on, this measured approach is helping many parents to find a healthy balance in their busy lives.

By focusing on mindfulness and adopting a calmer, slower parenting style, plenty of mums and dads now feel less stressed, more engaged with their children and generally happier.
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