Child Care News for Parents & Carers
March 14, 2018
Welcome, this week the new website helping single parents share accommodation costs. Also, Friday is the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence and we look at what to do if you suspect your child is being bullied at child care.
The new website that helps single parents share the load
Sharing is caring, and when it comes to life as a single parent, sharing a home with another single parent provides emotional support and eases financial pressures.

So, it's exciting to see the launch of a website called ShareAbode. This Australia-wide platform is all about connecting single parents who want to share a home and everyday expenses.
Stamping out bullying in early childhood services
Although bullying is often associated with school-aged children, it can occur amongst younger kids. And whether they're in child care or at preschool, bullying has a big impact on a child's physical, social and emotional well-being.

Over time it erodes confidence and self-esteem, and although bullying often happens behind the backs of adults, it's important that parents and child carers can identify its signs and work together to stop this bad behaviour in its tracks.
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