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Should child care services be open for longer?

The Productivity Commission has been looking into flexibility and accessibility of preschool and child care services, with the times that services run being one of the issues faced by many parents.

A quarter of parents who responded to our own child care survey said that if they could change something about their child care, it would be to have more flexible hours.

People are increasingly working unsociable hours, or have longer commutes, both of which mean meeting the 8-6 deadlines of child care can be difficult. And it's not only difficult, but also expensive, because if we miss those times, often we have to pay a fine (although parents generally agree that this is fair).

Our working week isn't just Monday to Friday any more, with major services being open not just during the day, but during the night and also at weekends and on public holidays.

The Productivity Commission is looking into giving employers of qualified nannies eligibility for child care benefits and rebate, but many families still couldn't afford a nanny, can't find one due to remote or regional locations, can't accommodate one or don't want one.

Child care services have themselves become essential services. Most parents of preschool children simply can't work without child care.

So should child care providers be subsidised to operate outside of "normal" working hours (whatever they are), at weekends and on public holidays? Should they also run 24/7?
As ever, we'd love to know what you think:
Take our Child Care Hours Mini Poll
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