Learn to read in 4 weeks for FREE with ABC Reading Eggs Learn to read in 4 weeks for FREE with ABC Reading Eggs
Learn to read in 4 weeks for FREE with ABC Reading Eggs
Would you like your child to succeed at school? ABC Reading Eggs is the perfect program to provide your child with the literacy skills needed for success at school and in life.

Providing a comprehensive range of online reading lessons and e-books, ABC Reading Eggs is successful because it makes learning phonics and basic reading skills a truly enjoyable experience for children aged 3-13. The program turns learning to read into a series of fun games and activities that are very motivating for children.

If your child is not one of the 700,000 Australian children who have already had the ABC Reading Eggs experience, then take advantage of our special limited time
FREE 4 week trial offer
and join the 91% of parents that have seen a noticeable improvement in their child's reading skills.
FREE 4 WEEK TRIAL* Offer Ends March 31st 2014
*Free trial only available to new customers who sign up at the above address.

Why you and your child will love Reading Eggs
ABC Reading Eggs is successful because it makes learning phonics
  and basic reading skills a truly enjoyable experience for children aged 3-13.

91% of parents using ABC Reading Eggs report a noticeable improvement
  in their child's reading skills.

The program is built around recognised learning principles and scientific
proven to improve children's reading skills.

Lessons are matched to your child's reading level – so activities are never
  "boring" or too challenging.

Your child will earn rewards as they progress – so they'll feel proud of their
  achievements and excited to keep learning.

You'll have access to detailed assessment reports to track your child's progress.

Age 3-3; Age 5; Age 6-7 and Age 7-13

Click here for your FREE 4 WEEK TRIAL*
What parents have to say "ABC Reading Eggs is excellent and we were delighted that our daughter learnt to read in less than six months and was way ahead of her peers in Kindergarten when assessed. We are always recommending it to other parents. Thanks" Angela

"My children love ABC Reading Eggs. They enjoy learning to read and spell with the lessons. My son struggled with other phonics programs. But he loved ABC Reading Eggs. Opening a new egg after each lesson kept him motivated to finish the program. My daughter loved the skill bank part of the program. She was glad ABC Reading Eggs had a spelling section." L. Taylor

"My first grade son truly enjoys his time on ABC Reading Eggs. It has helped him in particular with sight words, word families, fluency, and confidence. He loves to "hatch" his new characters and collect the golden eggs. The beginning evaluation accurately placed him at the correct level, allowing him to be successful & challenged." Anne S

"My daughter loves ABC Reading Eggs! She is so excited by the progress she has made through the site. She enjoys the games and is learning so much. I highly recommend it. It is great for learning phonics and letter sounds. We will continue to use ABC Reading Eggs until she is reading on her own!" Alycia A

Click here for your FREE 4 WEEK TRIAL*

ABC Reading Eggs - The multi-award winning online reading program
ABC Reading Eggs Awards
Care For Kids Internet Services Pty Ltd
ABN 55 104 145 735
PO Box 543 Balmain NSW 2041

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