Nannys & Babysitters

We Need A Nanny

We Need A Nanny is the #1 Job Board in Australia for parents and nannies to connect. We have thousands of active caregivers on our site, plus everything you need to know. To date, over 70,000 Aussie families have trusted We Need A Nanny to find a nanny, an au pair or a babysitter. So why not try We Need A Nanny by registering and posting your first job today?

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Our story

Au Pair
Since 2006, over 70,000 Australian parents have trusted We Need A Nanny to find a nanny for their family.

We know the incredible impact nannies have on the lives of children and families, and we are passionate about making it easy for nannies and families to connect.

We Need A Nanny is a Job Board, not an Employment Agency, which means you can directly engage with nannies to find the right one for your family and have full control over the recruitment process.

The easiest way to find a nanny with us is to post a job. It’s free and you can see which nannies in your area respond. You can also search for nannies and message them directly.

You’ll need to subscribe to read and send messages and we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied.

Our friendly Customer Service Team is always available to help you on your journey. Plus we have Australia’s most comprehensive nanny resource library, with all the information and connections to support parents and nannies on their journey together.

So why not try We Need A Nanny by registering and posting your first job today?

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