preparingPreparing for School
Child care's role

As part of the Government's new Early Years Learning Framework, which was endorsed in July, child care centres will be required to offer baby learning and child development programs designed to ensure children are ready to learn when they start school.

The Early Years Learning Framework was launched by the Hon Kate Ellis MP, Minister for Early Childhood Education, Childcare and Youth who said it was a key document for educators in helping them develop quality settings:

'The document describes the principles and outcomes which are essential to support and enhance children’s learning from birth right through to five years of age and also help them transition to school' said Ms Ellis.

According to the NCAC early childhood programs can enhance school readiness by promoting the following skills:

Social skills which support children to:
  • positively approach other children and make friends
  • participate in play
  • express emotions and deal with conflict appropriately
  • show interest in others and form friendships
  • express their needs and wants appropriately
  • separate from parents or primary carers
  • take turns in games and activities
  • share toys and equipment
  • follow some directions and understand some rules
  • participate in groups
  • cope with transitions between routines and experiences
Cognitive skills which support children to:
  • show natural curiosity and interest in learning new things
  • have confidence in learning
  • be interested in solving problems
Language skills which support children to:
  • use language to ask questions and communicate their thoughts and ideas
  • listen to others
  • enjoy books and being read to
Independence and life skills which support children to:
  • cope with a small amount of supervision in a variety of situations
  • toilet and dress themselves independently
  • unpack their lunch box and use a drink bottle
  • deal with a structured environment
Physical skills which support children to:
  • use pencils, crayons, textas and scissors
  • balance, run, jump, and use equipment such as balls and climbing apparatus
School preparation activities
In addition to the skill areas above the NCAC says specific activities can also be used to prepare children who are about to start school. Services can encourage families to continue these activities at home to create a consistent approach to preparing their child for school.

Useful school preparation activities might include:
  • encouraging children's participation in group games and experiences
  • supporting children to cooperate with peers and make friendships in free play situations
  • having regular 'lunch box' days so children can practice opening and eating their own lunch
  • talking positively with children about starting school
  • discussing school visits or orientation events with children, before and after they occur
  • arranging visits to the local school so children can get used to the environment and activities
  • inviting guest speakers to speak with families about school readiness and transition
  • encouraging children's independence in all areas of self care
  • helping children to use pencils, crayons, textas, scissors and glue unassisted
  • reading with children regularly.
For more information check out the NCAC factsheet on School Readiness and Transisition to School®
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