Employed by a family on either a live-in or live-out basis to undertake tasks related to the care of children within the home.

Au Pairs in Baw Baw, Latrobe - Gippsland, VIC

Child Care Articles & Tips


  • Aberfeldy
  • Ada
  • Allambee
  • Allambee Reserve
  • Allambee South
  • Amor
  • Athlone
  • Baw Baw
  • Baw Baw Village
  • Bona Vista
  • Boola
  • Brandy Creek
  • Bravington
  • Buln Buln
  • Buln Buln East
  • Caringal
  • Childers
  • Cloverlea
  • Coalville
  • Coopers Creek
  • Crossover
  • Darnum
  • Delburn
  • Drouin
  • Drouin East
  • Drouin South
  • Drouin West
  • Ellinbank
  • Erica
  • Ferndale
  • Fumina
  • Fumina South
  • Gainsborough
  • Gentle Annie
  • Hallora
  • Heath Hill
  • Hill End
  • Icy Creek
  • Jacob Creek
  • Jericho
  • Jindivick
  • Labertouche
  • Lardner
  • Lillico
  • Loch Valley
  • Longwarry
  • Longwarry North
  • Modella
  • Moondarra
  • Mountain View
  • Narracan
  • Nayook
  • Neerim
  • Neerim East
  • Neerim Junction
  • Neerim North
  • Neerim South
  • Nilma
  • Nilma North
  • Noojee
  • Piedmont
  • Rawson
  • Ripplebrook
  • Rokeby
  • Seaview
  • Shady Creek
  • Tanjil
  • Tanjil Bren
  • Tanjil South
  • Tetoora Road
  • Thalloo
  • Thomson
  • Thorpdale
  • Thorpdale South
  • Toombon
  • Toorongo
  • Torwood
  • Trafalgar
  • Trafalgar East
  • Trafalgar South
  • Vesper
  • Walhalla
  • Warragul
  • Warragul South
  • Warragul West
  • Westbury
  • Willow Grove
  • Yarragon
  • Yarragon South

If this is not the area you are interested in, try broadening your Au Pairs search to all of Latrobe - Gippsland.